CANON process recovery strategy and nitrogen removal pathway for side flow FNA treatment
REN Zhi-qiang1, LI Dong1, ZHANG Jie1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Beijing Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
Abstract:In order to explore an effective strategy for the re-establishment of the granular-flocculation sludge completely autotrophic nitrogenremoval over nitrite (CANON) process after the side flow free nitric acid (FNA) treatment, the sequence batch reactors (SBR) reactor was used to conduct experiments to explore the influence of different recovery methods on the long-term operation performance of the system, so as to realize the long-term stable operation of the CANON process. Different recovery methods had a great impact on the reconstruction of the CANON system. The R1using the ex-situ high aeration recovery strategy re-established a stable CANON process after 19days of operation, while the in-situ low aeration recovery strategy was used. Neither R2nor R3with an in-situ high aeration recovery strategy was able to effectively re-establish a stable CANON process. When R1ran stably for 34days, nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) proliferation appeared again. Regular hydraulic sieving to discharge flocculent sludge for FNA treatment to achieve the "double suppression" of dissolved oxygen (DO) control + side flow FNA treatment, which can effectively suppress NOB and achieve long-term stable operation of CANON process. Typical cycle analysis results showed that during the recovery process, the activities of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and anaerobic ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) in R1 were higher than those in R2 and R3, and the activity of residual NOB in the reactor was effectively inhibited. With the re-establishment of the CANON process in R1, the proportion of simultaneous nitrosation and anaerobic ammonia oxidation (SNA) denitrification pathway increased from 8.91% on the 15th day to 19.39% on the 45th day, which improved the removal rate of NH4+-N.
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