Study on influencing factors of partial sulfide autotrophic denitrification and response surface methodology for recovery of biological elemental sulfur
LI Wei-wei1,2, ZHANG Yong-xian2, YUAN Zhong-ling1, WU He-long2, CHEN Yong-zhi1
1. Key Laboratory of Yellow River Water Environment in Gansu Province, Lanzhou Jiaotong University; School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University; Technical Center of Sewage Treatment Industry in Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2. Gansu Research Institute of Light Industry Co., Ltd, Lanzhou 730070, China
Abstract:The effects of HRT, pH and temperature on the reaction process were investigated by batch test using the partial sulfide autotrophic denitrifying sludge successfully started by the author's laboratory as inoculated sludge. The results showed that when the control parameters HRT was 5h, pH 7.5and temperature 30℃, the accumulation of nitrite and elemental sulfur reached 92.53% and 59.36%, respectively, and the optimal accumulation effect of target products was achieved. High-throughput analysis of microbial samples from sludge under optimal conditions showed that Proteobacteria was the main bacterium in autotrophic denitrification with a abundance of 91.44%, while Thiobacillus was 66.04%, which was the main contributor to the stabilization of sulfur and nitrite in the partial sulfide autotrophic denitrification process. The results of response surface optimization indicated that when the dosage of PAC was 7.73mL/L, pH was 4.53, and stirring speed was 220r/min, the best matching parameters for biological sulfur flocculation were achieved. The average sulfur flocculation rate (SFE) was 88.1%.
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