The Promoting the Big and Quashing the Small Policy reduced the air pollutant emissions from China’s coal power supply chain perspective
LI Jia-shuo1, SUN Qian-hui1, WANG Wen-xin1, YANG Fan1,2
1. Institute of Blue and Green Development, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China; 2. Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Aalborg 9000, Denmark
Abstract:This paper investigated the mitigation effect of the promoting the big and quashing the small policy (PBQSP) on air pollutant emissions from China’s coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) between 2011 and 2018 by building a coal supply chain network based on the plant-level CFPP information in China. Results show that, while China's coal power generation increased by 38.6% from 2011 to 2018, NOx SO2, and Hg emissions from coal power supply-chain increased merely by 10.4%, 16.2%, and 6.8%, with PM emissions decreasing by 15.8%. Compared to decommissioned CFPPs, newly-built CFPPs reduced their NOx, SO2, PM, and Hg emission intensities along their coal supply chain by 63.2%, 62.1%, 90.2%, and 67.8%, respectively. The emission intensities at the power generation stage had the largest decrease; but remained similar at the coal mining stage and declined slightly at the transport stage, respectively. This study also proposed strategies to enhance the mitigation effect of the PBQSP, including optimizing the site selection of newly-built CFPPs, enhancing the coal mine management, and improving the end-of-pipe emission control for CFPPs. It also serves as an important reference to exploring emission reduction paths in other pollution-intensive industries.
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LI Jia-shuo, SUN Qian-hui, WANG Wen-xin, YANG Fan. The Promoting the Big and Quashing the Small Policy reduced the air pollutant emissions from China’s coal power supply chain perspective. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(4): 2047-2056.
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