Abstract:An emission inventory, including ten emission categories and nine air pollutants, was developed for the main urban area of Tianshui city (EITS) using emission factor approach. Sector survey, on-site investigation and remote sensing interpretation method have been used to derive the activity data of air pollution sources used in EITS. The rationality of EITS was further validated by comparing with other emission inventories and model verification. The results suggested that: (1)The total emissions in the study area were 2702t SO2, 8829t NOx, 82670t CO, 10460t VOCs, 7551t NH3, 14221t PM10, 8252t PM2.5, 1682t BC and 2814t OC in 2019. Fossil fuel burning was the major contributor to SO2、CO and PM emissions, traffic was the main source of NOx and VOCs emissions, while agriculture was the dominate contributor to NH3 emission; (2) High-emissions of SO2、NOx、PM、CO and VOCs appears in river valley, while NH3 emission maximizes outside of the river valley where cultivated lands were dominate; (3) Spatial allocation of residential fuel consumption sources had an important effect on model simulations, with more reasonable results when the location of village outside of the river valley region was used for spatial allocation; (4) Correlation coefficients between WRF-Chem modeled and observed daily averages of SO2、NO2、O3、CO、PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were 0.767、0.502、0.618、0.462、0.647 and 0.654, respectively, indicating the reasonability of the EITS.
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