Environmental behavior, investigation and risk assessment technologies of VOCs in contaminated sites
ZHANG Wen-yu1, ZHONG Mao-sheng1, JIANG Lin1, WANG Shi-jie1, SONG Bo-yu2, LAI Jin-yu2, MA Lin1, LI Ji-hong1, WANG Jia-min1
1. National Engineering Research Centre for Urban Environmental Pollution Control, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Protection Beijing, Beijing 100037, China; 2. Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Beijing 100035, China
Abstract:Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are common in contaminated sites, presenting complex environmental behaviors and high risks for investigation and risk assessment. This paper outlines the major environmental processes of VOCs partitioning and transport in soil, followed by a review of VOCs investigation techniques, risk screening methods, vapor intrusion models, and integrated VI risk assessment methods using multi-lines of evidence. Additionally, the main issues in investigating and assessing VOCs contaminated sites in China are compared to international lessons, from which valuable insights can be gained. Finally, recommendations for improving the investigation and risk assessment of VOCs contaminated sites in China are also provided.
张文毓, 钟茂生, 姜林, 王世杰, 宋博宇, 赖劲宇, 马琳, 李吉鸿, 王嘉敏. 污染场地中VOCs的环境行为与调查评估技术[J]. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(6): 2814-2822.
ZHANG Wen-yu, ZHONG Mao-sheng, JIANG Lin, WANG Shi-jie, SONG Bo-yu, LAI Jin-yu, MA Lin, LI Ji-hong, WANG Jia-min. Environmental behavior, investigation and risk assessment technologies of VOCs in contaminated sites. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(6): 2814-2822.
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