High resolution simulation of temporal and spatial variation of PM2.5 concentration based on random forest——A case study of Central Plains Urban Agglomeration Core Area
LU Jun-mo1, ZENG Sui-ping2, ZENG Jian1, WANG Sen1, SONG Yuan-zhen1
1. School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. School of Architecture, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
Abstract:In order to explore the estimation method of near-surface PM2.5 concentration in urban scale or smaller area, two random forest models, RF (PM2.5~TOA) and RF (PM2.5~Image), were constructed by taking the PM2.5 concentration measured by the air monitoring station as the dependent variable, taking the top of atmosphere reflectance data (TOA) calculated from MODIS L1B satellite images and the eigenvalues directly extracted from the images (Image) as two groups of main independent variables, and integrating the auxiliary factors of meteorological features, topographic features and temporal and spatial features. Finally, RF (PM2.5~Image) was selected to estimate the monthly mean concentration of near-surface PM2.5 in the core area of Central Plains Urban Agglomeration under the spatial resolution of 250m in 2020. The results showed that: the coefficient of determination (R2) of the two models were 0.93, and the root mean square prediction errors ( RMSE) were 9.23, 8.28μg/m3, respectively. When the two models reached a similar degree of R2, a lower prediction deviation was found in RF (PM2.5~Image), and the importance of features with spatial resolution in it higher than 250m accounts for up to 44.2%, which can more accurately describe the change of near-surface PM2.5 concentration with a spatial resolution of 250m. The average annual concentration of PM2.5 in the core area of the Central Plains urban agglomeration in 2020 was 53.80μg/m3, and the pollution phenomenon was serious, with 0~8 pollution processes occurring in different units. On the whole, there was a spatial differentiation characteristic of increasing from southwest and northwest mountainous areas to eastern plain and a time variation pattern of high in winter, low in summer and transition in spring and autumn.
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LU Jun-mo, ZENG Sui-ping, ZENG Jian, WANG Sen, SONG Yuan-zhen. High resolution simulation of temporal and spatial variation of PM2.5 concentration based on random forest——A case study of Central Plains Urban Agglomeration Core Area. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(7): 3299-3311.
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