Research on energy saving and emission reduction effect of industrial enterprises' digital transformation
YU Chang1, MA Lu-yao2, ZENG Xian-gang1, MA Dong-yan2
1. School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. Department of Informatization, China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, Beijing 100040, China
Abstract:To discuss the energy saving and emission reduction effects of industrial enterprises' digital transformation, the digital transformation level was comprehensively measured based on over 130000 big data samples of industrial enterprises from 2015 to 2021, and the fixed panel model and Spatial Durbin Error Model were used to analyze the impact of digital transformation level on the energy intensity and carbon emission intensity. The results indicated that: (1)The level of industrial enterprises' digital transformation increased 1% significantly reduced energy intensity and carbon emission intensity by 1.907% and 1.416%. (2)Provincial heterogeneity from grouped regression demonstrated the obvious heterogeneity among provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The level of digital transformation had a strong inhibitory effect on energy intensity and carbon emission intensity in some regions. For example, those with high digital transformation level and developed economic level, or Municipalities with capital and technology and pilot areas related to digitalization. (3)The role of digital transformation level in energy saving and emission reduction had a significant spatial spillover effect. The impact of digital transformation level on energy intensity and carbon emission intensity was negative, and the indirect effect was greater than the direct effect.
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