Variation characteristics of atmospheric self-purification capacity index over the Yellow River Basin during 1961~2019
LIU Mei1, JI Xing-jie2,3, ZUO Xuan3, DING Ya-lei4, ZHU Ye-yu3, WANG Chao-jie5
1. College of Chemistry, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Agro-meteorological Safeguard and Applied Technique in Henan Province, China Meteorological Administration, Zhengzhou 450003, China; 3. Henan Climate Center, Zhengzhou 450003, China; 4. College of Ecology and Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 5. Changge Meteorological Bureau, Changge 461599, China
Abstract:Based on the ambient air quality monitoring data from 2015 to 2019 and the meteorological observation data from 73 stations in the Yellow River Basin from 1961 to 2019, the applicability of the atmospheric self-purification capacity index of 11 stations and its correlation with the ambient air quality were verified. The spatial and temporal variation characteristics and influencing factors of atmospheric self-purification capacity index in the Yellow River Basin were analyzed. The results showed that the whole Yellow River Basin presented a downward trend from 1961 to 2019, with a decreasing rate of 0.18t/(d×km2) per 10a, and the average value was 4.44t/(d×km2). The atmospheric self-purification ability index reached its highest value of 5.32t/(d×km2) in 1969, and reached its lowest value of 3.81t/(d×km2) in 2011. Among 73 sites in the Yellow River Basin, 64 sites showed a downward trend in atmospheric self-purification capacity index, and 50 sites showed a significant downward trend. According to the annual variation, the highest value of atmospheric self-purification capacity index in the Yellow River Basin was 5.30t/(d×km2) in April, and the lowest value was 3.48t/(d×km2) in January. In terms of annual spatial distribution, the atmospheric self-purification capacity index of the Yellow River Basin was between 4.69t/(d×km2) and 7.18t/(d×km2) in the southwest of Qinghai, most of Shandong and Sichuan, a small part of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Gansu, Xi'an of Shaanxi, Wuzhai and Youyu of Shanxi, etc., which had better atmospheric self-purification capacity. It was relatively poor in other regions. Among the impact factors, the mixing layer height was positively correlated with the self-purification capacity of the atmosphere, and the correlation coefficient was 0.63(n=4307). There was an extremely significant negative correlation between the number of light wind days and atmospheric self-purification ability index, with the correlation coefficient of -0.78(n=4307). The number of 32.5m/s and 35.5m/s days with daily average wind speed had extremely significant positive correlation with atmospheric self-purification capacity index, the correlation coefficients were 0.78and 0.55(n=4307), respectively. There was an extremely significant positive correlation between the number of rainy days (30.1mm) and atmospheric self-purification capacity, and the correlation coefficient was 0.18(n=4307). The number of days with moderate rain (310.0mm) and above were significantly positively correlated with atmospheric self-purification capacity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.03(n=4307). The effect of light rain on atmospheric self-purification capacity was obviously higher than that of moderate rain in the Yellow River Basin. Stepwise regression analysis showed that the index of atmospheric self-purification capacity was mainly affected by the number of days with daily average wind speed (32.5m/s), the number of rainy days and the height of mixing layer. Among them, the number of days with daily average wind speed (32.5m/s) had the largest contribution to the index, and its contribution was positive.
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LIU Mei, JI Xing-jie, ZUO Xuan, DING Ya-lei, ZHU Ye-yu, WANG Chao-jie. Variation characteristics of atmospheric self-purification capacity index over the Yellow River Basin during 1961~2019. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(12): 5591-5601.
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