Effect of various biofilm formation methods on biofilm characteristic and low strength biochemical effluent treatment
HU Xiao-bing1,2, CHEN Hong-wei1, NIE Yong1,2, LI Jing-jing1, GU Xian-jing1, SU Jun-wen1, HU Jiang-nan1, WANG Zhen-zhen1
1. College of Architectural Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma'anshan 243002, China; 2. Engineering Research Center of Water Purification and Utilization Technology Based on Biofilm Process, Ministry of Education, Ma'anshan 243032, China
Abstract:In order to explore the most suitable method of biofilm formation for the advanced biological treatment of low strength biochemical effluent. We compared four different biofilm formation methods including chitosan-addition method, iron-ion-addition method, activated-sludge-inoculation, and natural-biofilm-formation method to evaluate the biofilm characteristics, i.e. the mixed liquor suspended sludge (MLSS), and the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and thus the wastewater treatment performance. The results showed that, compared with the other methods, the chitosan-addition method favored the rapid increase of biofilm biomass and EPS during the biofilm formation period, with the maximum achieved contents respectively of (9.26 ±3.30) g/cm3and (42.51 ±33.49) mg/(gSS). However, the biofilm activity value f and pollutant removal efficiency were not satisfactory by using chitosan-addition method. Moreover, stable biofilm characteristics, high activity and excellent pollutant removal efficiency were achieved by using iron-ion-addition method. The removal rates of CODCr, NH4+-N and TP were rapidly stabilized at (66.13 ±2.30)%, (92.03 ±7.72)% and (62.75 ±4.41)%, respectively. Furthermore, by using activated-sludge-inoculation method, the biofilm biomass, the average contents of EPS and pollutants removal efficiency were lower than with the chitosan-addition and iron-ion-addition methods. Finally, by using natural-biofilm-formation method the pollutant removal efficiency was at lower level in early stage, and to reach stability needs a long time. Except for TP, CODCr and NH4+-N removal rates in the later stage of biofilm formation, there was no obvious difference between natural-biofilm-formation method, the chitosan-addition method and theactivated-sludge-inoculation method. Overall, although with the iron-ion-addition method, the biofilm biomass and the EPS content were a little lower than those by using chitosan-addition method, it was the most appropriate method for advanced treatment of low strength biochemical effluent because of high biofilm activity and pollutant removal efficiency.
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