An emission inventory spatial allocatemethod based on POI data
WANG Kun1, GAO Jia-jia1, TIAN He-zhong2, DAN Mo1, YUE Tao1, XUE Yi-feng2,3, ZOU Pen-lai1, WANG Chen-long1
1. Department of Air Pollution Control, Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection, Beijing 100054, China;
2. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation & Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
3. National Engineering Research Center of Urban Environmental Pollution Control, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100037, China
POI (Points of interest) describes the type, location and other information of engineering and servicing facilities. POI data has the characteristics of easy access, strong timeliness and high accuracy. It is an important part of navigation electronic maps, and has a widely application prospects in urban planning. This study established a method to allocate area emissions (residential, agriculture and transportation source, etc.) basing on POI data (such as residential and commercial enterprises, animal husbandry and fishery enterprises, parking lot and other transportation facilities). Using the method, Beijing's MEIC inventory was allocated to 3km×3km and 1km×1km spatial resolution, and CMAQ model was applied to test accuracy of allocated inventory. The result show that, using POI data to spatial allocate emission inventory can more effectively reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of the emission source. The simulation results of CMAQ model show that after using POI data to allocate Beijing's MEIC inventory, the NMB and NME between monitoring data and simulated data are reduced about 30% and 10%, respectively.
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WANG Kun, GAO Jia-jia, TIAN He-zhong, DAN Mo, YUE Tao, XUE Yi-feng, ZOU Pen-lai, WANG Chen-long. An emission inventory spatial allocatemethod based on POI data. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2017, 37(6): 2377-2382.
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