Sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs)was used to remediate PAHs contaminated soils near a steel mill in Nanjing. The ratio of sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) and ferrous ion (Fe2+) used in the SR-AOPs was adjusted, combined with various types and concentrations of chelating agents and surfactants, to reach the best PAHs removal efficiency. Meanwhile, the degradation characteristics of different types of PAHs were analyzed. The results showed that the ratio of Na2S2O8 and Fe2+ significantly influenced the PAHs degradation efficiencies. The highest removal rate of PAHs was 29.32% at the condition of 24hours incubation when the ratio of Na2S2O8 and Fe2+ was 10:1, i.e. the dose of Na2S2O8 was 5mmol/g and the Fe2+ dosage was 0.5mmol/g. Base on this, 0.5mmol/g citric acid was added as the best chelating agent which could further improve the PAHs removal rate to 49.9%. In addition, 0.27mg/g surfactant IGEPAL CA-720 could also increase the PAHs removal rate to 80.8%. In general, the tetracyclic PAHs showed the highest removal rate by SR-AOPs. The addition of citric acid and IGEPAL CA-720 could further promote the removal of tricyclic PAHs and pentacyclic PAHs in soil. In conclusion, the citric acid and IGEPAL CA-720 addition could help to facilitate the removal of PAHs in soils, especially for the high-ring PAHs.
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