Impacts of relative humidity and PM2.5 concentration on atmospheric visibility during winter in Urumqi Urban Area
LI Jun1,3, WANG Jin-li2, QU Kun3
1. Environmental Monitoring Center of Urumqi, Urumqi 830011, China; 2. Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100089, China; 3. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:In this study the visibility, PM2.5 concentration and meteorological data from December in 2016 to February in 2017 were analyzed by using statistical methods to present variations of visibility in winter in Urumqi. The quantitative relation among the visibility, relative humidity (RH) and PM2.5 concentration was explored and the thresholds of PM2.5 concentration corresponding to different visibility grades were proposed.The results indicated that the average diurnal variations of visibility showed a single peak in winter, coincident with these of PM2.5 concentration and RH. The highest and lowest values of visibility were observed respectively at around 13:00 BJT (Beijing time) and 20:00 BJT. High RH and severe PM2.5 pollution could both reduce visibility significantly in winter, but low visibility in winter was mainly caused by PM2.5 pollution. The variations of visibility at RH < 90% were primarily controlled by the accumulation of PM2.5 and its hygroscopic growth. Especially for 70%£RH < 90%, PM2.5 concentration was the most important influencing factor for visibility variations. When RH390%, the visibility degradation was mainly contributed to the influences of RH. The influences of RH on visibility were weakened gradually as PM2.5 concentration increased in the transitions from good air quality to severely polluted condition. The visibility was significantly negatively correlated with PM2.5 concentration, and the increasing of visibility responded nonlinearly to the descending of PM2.5 concentration. We found that visibility did not increase obviously when PM2.5 pollution level transformed from severely polluted into moderately polluted. The visibility would increase quickly when PM2.5 concentrations dropped below 115μg/m3 (i.e. excellent, good air quality, slightly polluted condition). However, the PM2.5 concentration corresponding to the visibility of 8km (relatively high visibility in winter) needed to be further limited under 39μg/m3. This finding has important implications for air pollution prevention and control in winter in Urumqi.
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