Effects of air pollutants and meteorological factors on outpatient visitors for respiratory diseases in Shenyang
HONG Ye1, ZHANG Ying2, MA Yan-jun1, WANG Shi-gong2, ZHANG Jun3, HOU Shuai3, CHEN Kai-Qi4, LI Hui5
1. Institute of Atmospheric Environment, China Meteorological Administration, Shenyang 110016, China; 2. Collage of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610025, China; 3. The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110005, China; 4. College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 5. The Third the People's Hospital of Bengbu, Benbu 233000, China
Abstract:Using as emi-parametric generalized additive model, we analyzed the effects of air pollutants and meteorological factors as well as their interactions on outpatient visitors for respiratory diseases in Shenyang during the whole observation period and air pollution episodes from December 2015 to December 2016. The results indicated that HONO greatly influenced outpatient visitors for respiratory diseases among general population, not depending on genders and ages. With the optimal lag period, when concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, HONO and NH3 increased by per 10μg/m3 or 1inter quartile range (IQR), the totle ER (excess risk ) of daily outpatient visitors for respiratory diseases increased by 1.29%(1.18%~1.4%), 1.31%(1.2%~1.43%), 3.28%(3.07%~3.50%), 5.26%( 4.91%~5.61%), 12.89% (4.45%~22.01%), and 11.09% (9.84%~12.36%). respectively. HONO, NH3 and PM2.5 had a longer and greater effect for woman outpatient visitors than men. PM2.5 particularly influenced outpatient visits for respiratory diseases among people elder than 65. NH3, HONO, and SO2 influenced outpatient visits among people between 15~65years old. HONO and NO2 affected outpatient visits most significantly on air pollution days, while on dust days, soil irons such as Ca2+ played the most important role. Different air pollutants had a synergistic or antagonism effect on respiratory diseases. Air temperature had the greatest effect on respiratory diseases, and the interaction between low temperature and high pollutant concentration had the greatest effect on outpatient visits.
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HONG Ye, ZHANG Ying, MA Yan-jun, WANG Shi-gong, ZHANG Jun, HOU Shuai, CHEN Kai-Qi, LI Hui. Effects of air pollutants and meteorological factors on outpatient visitors for respiratory diseases in Shenyang. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(9): 4077-4090.
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