Spatial-temporal patterns and driving factors of aeolian desertification in northwest Shanxi Province
XUE Zhan-jin1, QIN Zuo-dong2, CHENG Fang-Qin1
1. Institute of Resources and Environment Engineering, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2. Institute of Loess Plateau, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Abstract:The remote sensing images (acquired in 1975, 1991, 2000, 2015, and 2019), transfer matrix, spatial center migration and principal components analysis were applied to study the spatial-temporal dynamics and driving factors (mechanisms) of aeolian desertification in northwest Shanxi. Results showed that the area of aeolian desertified land (ADL) increased first and then decreased and 1495.10km2 ADL was increased during 1975 to 1991 while 1506.12km2 of non-ADL was transferred into light ADL. Moreover, 689.09km2 ADL was increased from 1991 to 2000 and as large as 11098.72km2 of light ADL was transferred into moderate ADL. During 2000~2015, ADL had decreased by 2365.85km2, and 10569.56km2 of moderate ADL was transferred into light ADL. In 2015~2019, ADL had decreased by 1931.39km2, and 1909.93km2 of light ADL transferred into non-ADL. The trend of the ADL migration firstly migrated to southward until 2000 and moved northward/westward in 2000~2019. The migration distance of severe ADL was the largest which was 19.26km in 1975~1991 and 20.06km in 1991~2000, respectively. During 2000~2019, the largest migration distance of light ADL was 30.29km which migrated to the northwest. From 1975 to 2019, the coupling of natural and human factors was the dominant factor affecting ADL dynamics. However, the population and livestock were the main human factors and the gale days was the main natural factors.
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