Abstract:Taking the panel data of 277 cities that are prefecture-level and above in China from 2008 to 2018 as examples, this article measured and analyzed the green total factor productivity (GTFP) based on the EBM model and the GML index. On this basis, this research systematically analyzed the nonlinear relation of dual environmental regulations in the relationship between government economic competition and GTFP. The results indicated that green technological progress was the main engine driving China's GTFP growth, but the driving forces of each region were different. Furthermore, government economic competition showed a significant inhibitory effect on GTFP, and there existed a single threshold effect of implicit regulation among them. On the other hand, there were variations in different regions. Specifically, it showed that there was an implicit regulatory single threshold in both the western and northeastern regions, while the eastern region did not demonstrate a significant threshold effect. Furthermore, foreign direct investment and technology input expenditure caused GTFP losses in the jurisdiction. At the same time, industrial structure effectively alleviated environmental problems to a certain extent, but with regional heterogeneity.
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