Performance recovery of SPNA micro-granular sludge system after long-term starvation
HE Li-jin1,2, WANG Shao-po1,2, BI Yan-meng1,2, LI Jian-yu1,2, QIU Chun-sheng1,2, WANG Dong1,2, ZHENG Sheng-da3, YU Jing-jie1,2
1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology, Tianjin 300384, China; 3. Tianjin Sanbo Water Science and Technology Company Limited, Tianjin 300384, China
Abstract:In order to determine the performance recovery of single-stage partial nitritation anammox (SPNA) process after long-term starvation, a continuous flow reactor was used in this study, to investigate the feasibility of the recovery strategy, nitrogen removal performance and microbial community structure variations of SPNA system undergoing 161d starvation at room temperature (11~23℃). By controling DO concentration and influent ammonia nitrogen load, the inhibition and elimination of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and the recovery and enrichment of ammonium oxidation bacteria(AOB) and anaerobic ammonium oxidation bacteria (AnAOB) were gradually realized. Within 68 days, the removal efficiency of total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen increased to 72.13% and 94.75% respectively. The proportion of micro-granular sludge (3200μm) increased from 42.04% to 60.98%. The analysis of microbial community showed that the relative abundance of Candidatus Kuenenia increased to 25.53% after 161 days starvation, which showed that Candidatus Kuenenia has a stronger hunger tolerance. After the system recovery, the relative abundance of Candidatus Kuenenia gradually decreased to the level before the reactor starvation. The higher substrate utilization ability of AOB is the premise of system recovery, and the improvement of AnAOB activity is essential for system recovery. The successful recovery of the system performance showed that the starvation period of 161d at room temperature has reversible effect on the system, and it is feasible to store SPNA sludge at ambient temperature for a long time.
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HE Li-jin, WANG Shao-po, BI Yan-meng, LI Jian-yu, QIU Chun-sheng, WANG Dong, ZHENG Sheng-da, YU Jing-jie. Performance recovery of SPNA micro-granular sludge system after long-term starvation. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(12): 5646-5653.
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