Research on the performance and microbial community of a one-stage partial nitritation-anammox reactor at room temperature
LI Yun-fei1, WANG Si-ke1,2, ZUO Jian-e1
1. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China
Abstract:Partial nitritation-anammox (PNA) is an emerging technology for autotrophic nitrogen removal. During the application, it usually faces the hurdle of temperature fluctuation, especially temperature decrease during winter. In this regard, a lab scale one-stage PNA reactor was operated with a decreased temperature from 32℃ to 22℃ to investigate its effect on the system performance, microbial activity and community structure. It turned out that, during the whole experiment with influent ammonia-N concentration of about 254mg/L, the nitrogen loading rate and removal rate were in the range of 1.0~1.2g/(L·d) and 0.7~0.9g/(L·d), respectively. The total nitrogen removal efficiency achieved 62%~88%, and the effluent nitrite remained at a low level of <10mg/L, while the effluent nitrate concentration increased along with the decrease of temperature. Decreased temperature had an adverse effect on the microbial activity of anammox bacteria (AnAOB) and ammonia oxidized bacteria (AOB), while had a positive effect on that of nitrite oxidized bacteria (NOB). However, it should be pointed out that the AOB always showed a higher microbial activity, followed by AnAOB, and the activity of NOB was at a significantly low level. 22℃ was a critical temperature for the change of AnAOB activity, which should be paid more attention during operation. In the PNA system, Ca.Brocadia and Nitrosomonas were found to be the most abundant AnAOB and AOB with respective relative abundance of 2.7%~15.1% and 2.8%~11.5%. It should be noted that the dominant genus of AnAOB switched to Ca. Brocadia from Ca. Jettenia at the initial stage, implying that the former possessed more competitive advantages at low temperature.
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LI Yun-fei, WANG Si-ke, ZUO Jian-e. Research on the performance and microbial community of a one-stage partial nitritation-anammox reactor at room temperature. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(3): 1172-1180.
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