Abstract:The available Cd content in soil around smelting sites is high and easy to migrate. Based on DGT and CaCl2 extraction methods, the available Cd contents and their partition coefficients in various types of soil around a typical smelting site were analyzed, and a regression prediction model was constructed. The results showed that the available Cd content in the slag mixed soil, forest surface soil, and deep soil was higher, with extraction values of 23.2, 1.90, and 2.53μg/kg, respectively, while the deep farmland soil, miscellaneous fill soil, and plain fill soil were low, with values of 0.03, 0.05 and 0.03μg/kg, respectively. The solid-liquid partitioning coefficients (Kd) of Cd in soil were the highest in mixed fill, plain fill, and slag mixed soil, followed by clay and farmland soil, and lowest in fully weathered soil and forest soil. The Kd values of Cd determined by DGT were generally higher than that of CaCl2 extraction. The soil-liquid ratio and the pH of the CaCl2 extraction solution significantly affected the determination results of the Kd value (P<0.05). CaCl2 results could accurately predict Kd values determined by DGT using linear regression (P<0.05).
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