Reduction and resource recycle analysis on construction and demolition waste based on dynamic material flow—Take Hunan Province as an example
ZHENG Zhao-yu1, DENG Peng1,2, HUANG Liang1, CHEN Yu-liang3, YANG Dong4
1. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Education, Changsha 410082, China; 3. Hunan Communication Research Institute Co., Ltd, Changsha 410015, China; 4. China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Co., Ltd, Changsha 410004, China
Abstract:To promote the reduction and recycling of construction and demolition waste (C&D Waste), taking Hunan Province as an example, a dynamic material flow analysis framework combining economic benefits and carbon emission was established. The law of C&D Waste generation and its components, concerning different building life cycles (short, medium, long) and development scenarios from 1990 to 2060, was quantitatively analyzed. Moreover, carbon emissions and production costs under different recycling routes were measured to explore an efficient recycling route. The results indicate that the production of C&D Waste in Hunan Province will continue to grow rapidly in the future. From 2020 to 2060, the cumulative production of C&D Waste will reach 1.16~5billion tons, and the annual production of C&D Waste will reach 0.45~2 billion tons, among which the recycled components such as waste bricks and waste concrete blocks can account for 87%. Meanwhile, replacing natural gravel and sand with recycled aggregates can reduce carbon emissions by 19.8%.
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ZHENG Zhao-yu, DENG Peng, HUANG Liang, CHEN Yu-liang, YANG Dong. Reduction and resource recycle analysis on construction and demolition waste based on dynamic material flow—Take Hunan Province as an example. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(2): 702-711.
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