Gaseous pollutant emissions and control in the municipal waste leachate treatment facility
WANG Yu-jing1, LÜ Fan1,2, ZHANG Yi-ma3, KANG Xin-yue1, NIE Qing1, LIN Jie3, ZHANG Hua1,2, HE Pin-jing1,2
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Shanghai Institute of Pollution Control and Ecological Security, Shanghai 200092, China; 3. Shanghai Yema EPE Co. Ltd., Shanghai 200436, China
Abstract:To control the gaseous pollution in the leachate treatment facility effectively, this work characterized the emissions of odor, greenhouse gases, and bioaerosol, and evaluated the treatment efficiencies of biotreatment and scrubber for these pollutants, as well as the environmental and health risks, taking a leachate treatment facility in a landfill as an example. The results indicated that hydrogen sulfide was the key odorant, nitrous oxide was the dominant greenhouse gas, and various pathogenic microorganisms existed in the bioaerosol in the gas emitted from the leachate treatment facility. The biotreatment effectively controlled odor in the leachate treatment facility with the hydrogen sulfide removal rate higher than 99%. But the biotreatment or the combination of biotreatment and scrubber reduced less than 25% of the total emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide equivalent), and they could be the sources of bioaerosol (pathogenic microorganisms), causing environmental and health risks. Therefore, odor, bioaerosol, and greenhouse gases should be considered comprehensively for the collaborative reduction of pollutants and carbon emissions when designing and evaluating the gaseous pollution control system in leachate treatment facilities.
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WANG Yu-jing, LÜ Fan, ZHANG Yi-ma, KANG Xin-yue, NIE Qing, LIN Jie, ZHANG Hua, HE Pin-jing. Gaseous pollutant emissions and control in the municipal waste leachate treatment facility. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(7): 3387-3395.
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