ZHONG Bo-wen, ZHOU Jun, WANG Yan, YUAN Bin, SHAO Min
Guangdong-Hongkong- Macau Joint Laboratory of Collaborative Innovation for Environmental Quality, College of Environment and Climate, Institute for Environment and Climate Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, China
Abstract:This review synthesizes the current assessment methods and research advancements in ozone (O3) formation sensitivity in China. It examines the similarities and differences in the outcomes of various methods used to assess O3 formation sensitivity within the same region. The study reveals that O3 formation in urban areas of China is predominantly in the VOCs-limited regime, while in suburban areas, it is mostly in the NOx-limited regime or a transition regime. In recent years, the areas that are under the VOCs- limited regime have been diminishing, and those under the NOx-limited regime and transition regime have been gradually expanding. The study demonstrates that employing a combination of methods to diagnose O3 formation sensitivity in the same region can enhance the reliability of diagnostic outcomes. Finally, the review presents prospects for the development of emerging technologies and methodologies in China to more accurately determine O3 formation sensitivity.
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