Strategy regulation to improve the nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance of SBR aerobic granular sludge
LI Dong1, LI Yue1, YANG Jing-wei3, LI Yu-meng1, ZHANG Jie1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Beijing Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; 3. Beijing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing 100086, China
Abstract:Mature aerobic granular sludge was inoculated into the SBR reactor at room temperature, and the actual domestic sewage was used as the influent matrix, and the A/O/A time ratio strategy was combined with gradient feeding to improve the denitrification and phosphorus removal effect of the sludge. When the anoxic time was extended from 0.5h to 1.5h, the efficient denitrification and phosphorus removal can be ensured at the same time. At this time, the A/O/A time ratio was 1:1.6:1 which made the average TN increase to 81.27%, the average TP removal rate to above 90%, and the average COD removal rate to above 85%. Meanwhile, the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) rate decreased to 25.24%, and the ratio of anoxic and phosphorus uptake increased from 0.43% to 2.81%, which further indicated that the denitrification contribution of denitrifying sugar bacteria (DGAOs) to denitrification increased at this A/O/A time ratio. When the anoxic time was extended to 2h and the A/O/A time ratio was 3:5:4, excessive hypoxia led to the endogenous respiration of microorganisms and the reproduction of filamentous bacteria. The average removal rates of TN and TP decreased to 51.48% and 72.46%, respectively. When the anoxic time was 1.5h, the MLSS was 3501mg/L which was lower but the MLVSS/MLSS(f) increased to 0.95, indicating that the non-functional bacteria were washed away. The bacteria with nitrogen and phosphorus removal functions can grow in large quantities. With an extension of the anoxic time to 1.5h (or the A/O/A time ratio is 1:1.6:1), the PN/PS increases to 6.89, so the stability of the particles was continuously enhanced. The extension of the hypoxia time to within 1h had a greater impact on LB-EPS and EPS but little effect on TB-EPS. The hypoxia time more than 1h had a greater effect on TB-EPS and can make EPS increase to 126.16mg/g. When the hypoxia time was extended to 2h, the EPS content increased to 479.92mg/g due to the massive death of microbes that intake PN and PS released from endogenous respiration of microorganisms.
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