Short-cut nitrification and denitrification process characteristics of internal carbon source based on DGAOs enrichment
ZHOU Qian, ZHANG Lin, TANG Xi, TANG Chong-jian
1. Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution, School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Abstract:The operation performance of short-cut nitrification and denitrification process driven by internal carbon source at low C/N ratio was studied using Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and anaerobic-aerobic-anoxia operation mode. The results showed that denitrifying golyphosphate accumulating Organisms (DGAOs) and ammonia-oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) can be enriched simultaneously in the reactor. DGAOs can use poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) as internal carbon source for denitrification, and PHB (poly-β-hydroxy butyrate) was the main part of PHA. After stable operation, intracellular substances stored in sludge at the end of anaerobic phase could be clearly seen under fluorescence microscope at the 39th day, and 2.34mmol C/L in PHA stored by internal carbon source was consumed, which was 29% higher than the value reported in literature. After 55 days of domestication, the SBR system achieved a relatively stable denitrification effect. The average ammonia nitrogen removal rate was 93.13%±4.91%, and the denitrification efficiency of internal carbon source was 49.62%±8.97%. After domestication, denitrifying phosphate accumulating organisms(DPAOs) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria(AOB) were eliminated, denitrifying glycan bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were enriched, and their abundance increased from 0.13% and 0.20% at inoculation to 7.13% and 1.11%, respectively, realizing the short-cut nitrification and denitrification driven by internal carbon source at low C/N.
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