Health risk assessment of pesticide residues in urban wastewater in four cities of North China
BAI Ya1, LI Zhuang2, HUANG Hong-mei1, HUANG Jian-wen3, LIANG Zhi-hao3, FAN Gui-heng3, LIU Tian-you4, LI Xi-qing1, ZHANG Wei2
1. Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 3. Research Center of Weiming Environmental Molecular Diagnosis Technology, Foshan 528000, China; 4. Public Security Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530000, China
Abstract:Wastewater samples were collected from wastewater treatment plants in Beijing, Taiyuan, Hohhot and Shijiazhuang, and the concentrations of 21pesticides were analyzed. The total and average mass of pesticide residues in wastewater were calculated. According to consumption of vegetable and fruit and related processing factors, the pesticide residues on vegetables and fruits were estimated, and corresponding health risk was further evaluated. The residue level per thousand inhabitants was highest in Shijiazhuang (454.89mg/thousand inhabitants/d), and Hohhot had the lowest level (63.70mg/thousand inhabitants/d). Among the tested pesticides, the concentration of carbendazim was relatively high, 224.22~1328.07ng/L, and the residue level per thousand was 49.98~424.98mg/thousand inhabitants/d. Carbendazim accounted for the highest proportion of pesticide residues in the four cities, 51.35% (Beijing)~93.43% (Shijiazhuang). Other pesticides with high proportion include imidacloprid and chlorantraniliprole, which showed a similar usage behavior of pesticide in vegetables and fruits in the region. The pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits are calculated based on the tested values in wastewater. The residue of carbendazim in vegetables and fruits in Shijiazhuang was 5.04mg/kg. By comparing the estimated potential daily intake with the daily allowable intake, the long-term health risk of these pesticide residues was relatively low.
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BAI Ya, LI Zhuang, HUANG Hong-mei, HUANG Jian-wen, LIANG Zhi-hao, FAN Gui-heng, LIU Tian-you, LI Xi-qing, ZHANG Wei. Health risk assessment of pesticide residues in urban wastewater in four cities of North China. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(10): 4871-4879.
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