Variation of ozone concentrations in three urban forests under different habitats of Shenzhen in summer
DUAN Wen-jun1,2, WANG Cheng1,2, ZHANG Chang1,2, SONG Yang1,2, HAO Ze-zhou1,2, XU Xin-hui1,2, JIN Yi-bo1,2, WANG Zi-yan1,2
1. Research Institute of Forestry of Chinese Academy of Forestry, State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding; State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100091, China;
2. Research Center of Urban Forest, State Forestry Administration Beijing 100091, China
The ozone concentration of 3 typical urban forests growing at foothill, river valley and ridge of Yuanshan Park in Shenzhen were observed for 24 hours in the summer of 2015. At the same time, the meteorological factors were also observed as influencing factors. Our results showed that:The mean value of hourly and 8h maximum ozone concentration in 3 forests were all achieved the primary standard of national air quality standards (160 and 100 μg/m3, respectively). The daily average ozone concentration in 3 forests were all higher than the control with the highest value observed at the ridge. The daily variation of ozone concentration in 3forests all exhibited a single peak curve, with the highest concentration occurring in 15:00~17:00pm, whereas the lowest occurring in 5:00~7:00am. The ozone concentration in each forest was positively related with the temperature and negatively with the relative humidity. Moreover, a positive correlation was noted between the ozone concentration and the wind velocity at the ridge. In conclusion, the air quality in 3urban forests of Yuanshan Park in Shenzhen is consistent with the air quality requirements of forest recreation activities, and the proper time according to the status of ozone is from 5:00 to 7:00 am in summer.
段文军, 王成, 张昶, 宋阳, 郝泽周, 徐心慧, 金一博, 王子研. 深圳夏季3种生境城市森林内臭氧浓度变化规律[J]. 中国环境科学, 2017, 37(6): 2064-2071.
DUAN Wen-jun, WANG Cheng, ZHANG Chang, SONG Yang, HAO Ze-zhou, XU Xin-hui, JIN Yi-bo, WANG Zi-yan. Variation of ozone concentrations in three urban forests under different habitats of Shenzhen in summer. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2017, 37(6): 2064-2071.
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