Emission characteristics of dioxins and heavy metals from small-scale thermal treatment furnaces for disposing domestic solid waste
EI Ming1, HAI Jing2, CHENG Jiang1, LU Jia-wei2, REN Ming-zhong2, ZHANG Su-kun2, ZHU Feng2
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China;
2. South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Guangzhou 510655, China
In order to know the emission levels of dioxins and heavy metals from small-scale thermal treatment furnaces for disposing rural domestic solid waste, three types of furnaces including incinerators, gasification-incineration furnace and gasifier located in mountainous rural area in Guangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong province were investigated. Results showed that the emission contents of dioxins in the flue gas from incinerator, gasification-incineration furnace and gasifier were 0.70~24.88, 3.14~4.88, 0.20~1.49ngI-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. Emission levels of dioxins from the flue gas were in the order of incinerator > gasification-incineration furnace > gasifier, whilst in an opposite order from the slag. Dioxins produced in gasifier mainly existed in the slag. However, for incinerator and gasification-incineration furnace, the formed dioxins were mainly distributed both in the slag and flue gas. The mass content distribution characteristics of dioxin congeners in the slag and flue gas from all the three types of furnaces were quite different, whilst the I-TEQ distribution characteristics were similar with the 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF being the highest among all the dioxin congeners. The emission content of Pb in flue gas from the three types of furnaces was the highest. The contents of Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg in all flue gas sample, were far lower than the emission limit values of the Standard for Pollution Control of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (GB 18485-2014) except for Cd from one of the incinerators. The toxic leaching concentrations of heavy metals in slag from the three types of furnaces were also lower than the standard limits for hazardous waste identification (GB 5085.3-2007).
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