A regulating method for humic-reducing microorganisms and assessment of the reduction of dissimilatory Fe(III)in composting
ZHAO Xin-yu1,2, FAN Yu-ying1,2,3, XI Bei-dou1,2, TAN Wen-bing1,2, HE Xiao-song1,2, ZHANG-Hui1,2, LI-Dan1,2
1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;
2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Groudwater Pollution, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China;
3. Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
通过富集不同来源堆肥过程中的腐殖质还原菌,并分析比较其异化铁还原能力差异,发现其电子转移能力从大到小依次为:蛋白类>纤维素类>木质素类.相关性分析表明,Leucobacter、Clostridium sensu stricto和Sporosarcina是极显著影响异化铁还原的腐殖质还原菌属.利用冗余分析探究关键腐殖质还原菌与堆肥过程微环境因子的响应关系,结果发现可溶性有机氮是影响这些关键腐殖质还原菌变化的主要微环境因素.在此基础上,基于堆肥微环境因子与关键腐殖质还原菌菌群结构之间的响应关系,提出一种促进异化铁还原相关的腐殖质还原菌生长的调控方法.本研究可以深入了解堆肥中影响腐殖质还原菌群落的关键因素,而且对于环境中污染物生物地球化学循环也具有重要的生态学意义.
Reduction of dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ) by humic-reducing microorganisms (HRMs) from different composts was conducted. Results showed that the capacity for reduction of dissimilatory Fe(Ⅲ) by HRMs was ranked in the order protein-rich compost > cellulose-rich compost > lignin-rich compost. The result of correlation showed that Leucobacter、Clostridium sensu stricto and Sporosarcina were significantly associated with the Fe(Ⅲ) reduction. It was indicated that dissolved organic nitrogen was the primary micro-enviromental factors significantly driving the variation of these key HRMs by Redundancy analyses (RDA). Finally, based on the relationship between the mico-enviromental factors and HRMs, this work proposed a regulating method to enhance the growth of the key HRMs during composting. This study not only investigated the influencial factors of HRMs in compost deeply, but also had ecological significant in the study of waste biogeochemical process.
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ZHAO Xin-yu, FAN Yu-ying, XI Bei-dou, TAN Wen-bing, HE Xiao-song, ZHANG-Hui, LI-Dan. A regulating method for humic-reducing microorganisms and assessment of the reduction of dissimilatory Fe(III)in composting. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(10): 3815-3822.
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