Enhanced phytoremediation with the involvement of microbes and chemicals has become an alternative technique to remediate the contamination of heavy metal in soils. The combination of 0.3% sulfur and three levels of actinomycete Act 12 enhanced phytoremediation has been experimented to remediate the Cd-contaminated soil by employing Brassica juncea, a Cd-tolerant plant. The Cd accumulation in plant root and shoot part, antioxidant enzyme activities and plant root activity were measured to explore the potential mechanisms. The results showed that the combination of 0.3% sulfur and 2.0g/kg Act12 addition significantly reduced Rhizosphere pH by 14.5%. By comparison, the combination of 0.3% sulfur and 1.5g/kg Act12 addition treatment dramatically increased Cd accumulation in plant shoot by up to 79%. Act12 addition positively enhanced plant antioxidant system, and the values of CAT, POD, and SOD reached the peak in the treatment with a combination of 0.3% sulfur and 1.0g/kg Act12. Additionally, Act12 addition boosted plant root activities and reduced the content of MAD. Our study indicated that both sulfur and actinomycete Act 12 can enhance the absorption capacity of Cd by Brassica juncea, and the combination of 0.3% sulfur and 1.5g/kg Act12 addition achieved the best results in our experiments.
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