Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of the secondary aerosol simulation, this study added two new formation mechanisms of sulfate (NO2+SO2 chemical process and heterogeneous transition-metal-catalyzed oxidation (TMI)) and volatile organic compounds (VBS) based on the regional atmospheric environment model RegAEMS. The two moderate pollution processes in shanghai in January 2020 were simulated and compared with observational data for verification. The study found that the sulfur oxygen conversion rate(SOR) of the two pollution processes were both greater than 0.4, and the main components of PM2.5 were sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, accounting for 61.25% to 63.85%. SOA accounted for 2.92%~3.0%. After the addition of the NO2+SO2 chemical process and TMI catalytic oxidation, the accuracy of sulfate simulation is significantly improved (The correlation coefficient (R) increased from 0.49~0.63 to 0.58~0.67, and the relative standard deviation (NMB) increased from -35.0%~-36.5% to -17.3%~-14.2%). The average contribution of the two chemical processes during the pollution occurrence stage is 23.3%~27.9%, which may be the main reason for the sudden increase of sulfate- concentration under pollution conditions. The VBS mechanism can better simulate the change trend of SOA (The correlation coefficient is 0.53~0.56), and the improved model slightly improves the simulation accuracy of PM2.5 (Relative standard deviation (NMB) increased from -13.5%~-6.0% to -9.0%~-3.3%).
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