Assessment on air pollution control measures during autumn and winter seasons in “2+26” cities
LI Yang1, TANG Wei1, DU Jin-hong1, ZHANG Zhong-zhi1, DU Xiao-hui1,2, XUE Zhi-gang1, MENG Fan1, CHAI Fa-he1
1. Institute of Atmospheric Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012; 2. Water Science Research Institute, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Abstract:Emission reductions from different air pollution control measures during autumn and winter seasons in "2+26" cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and its surrounding areas were calculated in this study. The results showed that total emission reductions of SO2, NOx, VOCs, PM2.5, and PM10 in "2+26" cities during autumn and winter seasons in 2017~2018 were 432.6, 206.3, 183.6, 280.0, and 473.1kilo-tons respectively, while those of which in 2018~2019 were 166.8, 181.1, 110.3, 170.4, and 253.3kilo-tons respectively. According to this, the effects of each measure were evaluated by the CAMx model. By implementing air pollution control measures, the simulated concentrations (percentages) of SO2, NOx, PM2.5, and PM10 in "2+26" cities during autumn and winter seasons in 2017~2018 decreased 22.69μg/m3 (42.67%), 33.22μg/m3 (37.81%), 24.28μg/m3 (22.58%) and 31.26μg/m3 (18.67%) respectively, while those of which in 2018~2019 decreased 9.36μg/m3 (26.86%), 25.73μg/m3 (30.62%), 16.38μg/m3 (16.09%) and 20.43μg/m3 (12.33%) respectively. The sequence of averaged reduction efficiency on PM2.5 concentrations of each control measure during autumn and winter seasons in 2017~2018 was as follows:scattered and disqualified enterprises governance, transportation structural adjustment, industrial off-peak production, civil coal burning replacement, and coal-fired boiler renovation, and that of which in 2018~2019 was as follows:upgrading and transformation of key industries, industrial off-peak production, scattered and disqualified enterprises governance, transportation structural adjustment, civil coal burning replacement, and coal-fired boiler renovation.
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LI Yang, TANG Wei, DU Jin-hong, ZHANG Zhong-zhi, DU Xiao-hui, XUE Zhi-gang, MENG Fan, CHAI Fa-he. Assessment on air pollution control measures during autumn and winter seasons in “2+26” cities. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(10): 4484-4494.
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