Distribution, accumulation and sources of chromium in Hailuogou glacier retreated area
YANG Wen-qiang1, ZENG Xi-wen1, Lü Zhan1, LIU Nan-tao1, CHEN Pei-jia1, WANG Xun2, SHEN Hong1,3, WANG Ding-yong1,3
1. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550081, China; 3. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Chongqing 400716, China
Abstract:Given the complete succession sequence of glacier retreated area providing a novel platform to trace heavy metal cycles in the terrestrial ecosystems, we explored the distribution pattern, transportation and allocation among soil and vegetation components, and potential sources of chromium (Cr) at the Hailuogou, eastern of Tibetan Plateau. Cr concentration in C-horizon was (155.17±32.68) mg/kg, which was significantly higher than that in O-horizon (48.23±10.21) mg/kg (P<0.05). With the increase of retreated time, the concentration of Cr in O-horizon gradually decreased due to the increase of soil leaching induced the Cr lost. The dominant vegetation species in each succession stage had no obvious enrichment effect on Cr (ω<1). Moreover, the soil was the main Cr pool in the ecosystem of glacier retreated area (2269.90±234.57) mg/m2, whose Cr storage in the O-horizon of each stage up to 9~20times greater than that in vegetation. In the late period of succession, Cr storage in Oi-horizon and Oe-horizon gradually decreased but Cr storage of Oa-horizon and vegetation increased, because of the weak “return effect” of Cr, and increment of soil organic matter induced the enhanced Cr accumulation in organic soils. Moreover, we highlighted that the high cycling rate and low absorption-utilization efficiency was the main cycling strategy of Cr in Hailuogou glacier retreated area. The principal component analysis (PCA) results finally showed that Cr in soil of Gongga Mountain was mainly derived from weathering process of soil parent material (68.89%), but with the limited influence of atmospheric deposition.
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