Assessment of three-dimensional transport processes and quantitative source analysis of regional ozone pollution in Guangdong Province
XU Yi-fei1,2, CUI Yin-ping1,2, ZHU Yi-xiao1,2, SHEN Ao1,2, JIN Yin-bao1,2, WANG Hai-heng1,3, LIU Yi-ming1, LU Xiao1, FAN Qi1,2
1. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Climate Change and Natural Disaster, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 2. Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Zhuhai 519082, China; 3. Shaoguan Meteorological Bureau of Guangdong Province, Shaoguan 512028, China
Abstract:The WRF-CMAQ model was used to simulate aregional O3 pollution process in Guangdong Province from March 25 to 27, 2021, and the simulation results were good. While O3 pollution in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) subsided, O3 pollution abnormally appeared in Shaoguan City. Taking Shaoguan as the main focus, the process of O3 transport from the PRD to Shaoguan was analyzed. The Process Analysis (PA) and Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM) in the CMAQ model were used to assess the pollution transport and development process quantitatively. The results show that O3 polluted air mass generated in the PRD region remained in the upper air on March 25 and was transported to Shaoguan from the night of March 25 to the morning of March 26. 66.1% of O3 in the upper level from outside Shaoguan was transmitted down to the ground, and the physical transport process played a dominant role. On the 26th, O3 from Guangzhou, Dongguan, Qingyuan, and Foshan increased by 12times compared with the 25th. Regional transport was the main contributor to the abnormal O3 pollution in Shaoguan. Guangzhou and Dongguan were the primary sources of regional transport. Shaoguan, a city located in the basin, is easily affected by external transport, thus regionally coordinated emission reduction and joint prevention of O3 should be of concern.
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XU Yi-fei, CUI Yin-ping, ZHU Yi-xiao, SHEN Ao, JIN Yin-bao, WANG Hai-heng, LIU Yi-ming, LU Xiao, FAN Qi. Assessment of three-dimensional transport processes and quantitative source analysis of regional ozone pollution in Guangdong Province. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(5): 2119-2127.
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