1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution Prevention and Control, CMA-NKU Cooperative Laboratory for Atmospheric Environment-Health Research, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China; 2. Taiyuan Ecological Environment Bureau, Taiyuan 030002, China
Abstract:This study collected dustfall samples at 8 monitoring stations in Taiyuan from November 2019 to December 2020 and analyzed their chemical compositions, size distributions, and source characteristics. The key results are shown as follows. First, the particle size of dustfall was significantly affected by the sampling area, larger at the southern stations and smaller at northern stations. The particle size was also generally larger in autumn and winter, linked to the spatial-temporal characteristics of the dustfall sources in Taiyuan. In addition, the chemical components of dustfall with different particle sizes were obviously different in various spatial-temporal conditions, especially for OC, SO42- and inorganic elements such as Ca, Si, Fe, etc. According to the results from the receptor models, urban dust contributed greater to dustfall with different sizes in Taiyuan (33.7%~37.5%). Meanwhile, construction dust (21.8%~31.6%) and steel industry (5.1%~18.1%) contributed significantly to medium and large particle size dustfall. The influence of coal combustion (14.1%~22.6%) to small size dustfall could not be ignored.
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