Abstract:Cities are the most important contributor to greenhouse gases and pollution emissions. Because of the differences among cities, it is of great necessity to conduct classified governance that takes into account the characteristics and key factors affecting urban emissions reduction of carbon and pollution so as to improve the accuracy and effectiveness for implementations of policy measurements. First, two-step cluster analysis was adopted to divide 102 sample cities in China into four categories based on a comprehensive related index system. Then these four categories were summarized as demonstration type, potential type, transition type and as well as extensive type by comparing each category in terms of economic development, energy consumption, pollutant emission and treatment. At last, “one type, one policy” paths were proposed aimed at co-reducing emissions of carbon and pollution focused on the key fields of energy consumption side, such as industry, transportation, residential life and so on.
谭琦璐, 郭敏晓. 城市能源消费侧减污降碳协同分类施策路径——基于我国102个地级市数据的聚类分析[J]. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(S1): 336-346.
TAN Qi-lu, GUO Ming-xiao. Study on classified governance for urban co-effects of carbon and pollution emissions reduction. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(S1): 336-346.
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