Abstract:Causes of air quality deterioration over southern Yunnan, China in early spring 2019 were analyzed by using multi-source data such as meteorological ground observation, sounding data, NCEP reanalysis data, atmospheric composition observation and satellite fire monitoring. And the sources and transmission paths of pollution were also analyzed by WRF-CAMx numerical model and HYSPLIT backward trajectory. Results showed that the peaks of PM2.5 concentrations during two continuous pollution processes from March 24 to 29 (P1) and from March 31 to April 3 (P2) occurred in Xishuangbanna, a border city in Yunnan province, were 168 and 178μg/m3, respectively. From March 24 to April 3, the mean PM2.5 concentration was 105.4μg/m3, which was 116% higher than the value during the same period from 2015~2018. But it’s atmospheric diffusion and wet clearance conditions were similar to or slightly preferred to the same period from 2015~2018. This indicated that local meteorological conditions were not the direct cause of air quality deterioration this time. During the pollution period, PM2.5 and CO concentrations showed a significant positive correlation (R2=0.72), with typical biomass burning characteristics. Cluster and source analysis simulation showed that high concentration pollutions from biomass burning in Thailand and Myanmar were transported to the border of China, which was an important cause of abnormally high pollutant concentration in southern Yunnan. And the pollutions were mainly transported from the west, southwest and south directions. In P1, Myanmar contributed about 48% and Thailand contributed about 39%. In P2, Thailand contributed about 50% and Myanmar contributed about 30%. Since the height of pollution transmission was below 1500 meters, this led to the accumulation and growth of pollutants in the low-altitude piedmont areas of southern Yunnan but had little impact on that in high-altitude areas of central and northern Yunnan.
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