Abstract:Conventional permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for ground water remediation might be inapplicable for a wide pollution plume because constructing a large PRB underground might be too expensive, as the costs of excavation, remediation material and installation increase greatly with the scale. This investigation proposed a novel approach of convergent flow permeable reactive barrier (CF-PRB). In CF-PRB, some decompression wells were installed at the upstream of PRB to converge the groundwater flow to wells. As a result, the plume was converged to a relatively small scale. Partially penetrating decompression wells installed could also extract the deeply-bearing polluted water, making the PRB available to remediate deeper pollution. The convergent polluted ground water was conveyed to the PRB through water pipelines and distributed at the buffer slot in front of the PRB. The slot was distributed evenly the polluted water along the PRB so that the water could flow through the PRB homogeneously. CF-PRB could make the PRB design be determined primarily by flow rate and average pollutant concentrations, independent to the plume scale. Analytical solutions of well flow were used to calibrate the initial parameters in CF-PRB, and then MODFLOW numerical simulation was adopted for optimization. In MODFLOW simulation, parameters such as well radius, number of wells, spacings between wells and the distances from wells to PRB were tested to analyze their impacts on CF-PRB. Results showed that CF-PRB approach could make the upstream groundwater flow convergently to the decompression wells, resulting in the reduction of reactive barrier length by 50%. CF-PRB approach can significantly reduce the PRB scales and can therefore be used to remediate the polluted groundwater with a large plume width and depth.
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