Recycling potentials of Platinum-group metals from end-of-life vehicle in China
ZHANG An-ying1, TONG Xin1, ZENG Xian-lai2
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2. Guangzhou Bureau of Environmental Supervision, Beijing 100084, China
Based on the estimation of car ownership in China from 2018 to 2050 with Gompertz model, this research identified the average lifespan of cars in China as 9a by a time-series material flow analysis model. This result was used to estimate the amount of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) in China to reach 25.35 million by 2025 with extreme uneven geographical distribution. The recycling potential of platinum group metals was calculated accordingly, and compared with various scenarios of demand. The results show that:according to current catalyst consumption level, the demand for platinum group metals in China peaked in 2019, where Pt, Pd and Rh reached 4.57, 65.70 and 7.92t. It is expected to achieve closed-loop supply in automobile industry. If the EU emission standards are applied in China, the demand for platinum group metals will increase significantly, which could lead to serious shortage of supply. The demand for Pt, Pd and Rh will reach 85.01, 109.38, 8.37t in 2020. In conclusion, we suggested to incorporate the recycling of waste catalysts in the extended producer responsibility system for cars.
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