Effect of chorionic villi on the combination action of microplastic particles and cadmium
DUAN Xin-yue1, GUAN Wen-ling1, CHENG Hao-dong1, DAI Yuan-yuan2, WANG Lei3, DUAN Zheng-hua1,3
1. School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China; 2. Fisheries Research Institute of Tianjin, Tianjin 300221, China; 3. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
Abstract:Polystyrene (PS) particles with sizes of 100nm (n-PS) and 70~250μm (μ-PS) were used to investigate their influences on the developmental toxicity of cadmium (Cd). The technologies of embryonic development and metabonomics were utilized to analysis the interaction between microplastic particles and embryonic chorion. In single Cd, n-PS+Cd, and μ-PS+Cd treatments, the contents of Cd on embryonic chorion were 3.82, 13.66 and 11.35mg/g, respectively, and the contents of Cd in embryos were 0.24, 0.16 to 0.20mg/g, respectively. The accumulations of Cd increased on embryonic chorion and decreased in embryos were more significantly induced by n-PS (P<0.01). However, μ-PS inhibited the embryonic development toxicity of Cd to a greater extent (P=0.006). Metabonomics data confirmed that, the oxidative stress on embryos and the demand for cellular energy induced by Cd were increased in the combined treatment of Cd and n-PS, which might be due to the barrier action of n-PS on embryonic chorion. Therefore, embryonic chorion plays an important role in the early embryonic development toxicities of microplastics. This study will provide some new sights on the research of bio-availability and effect of microplastics in the environment.
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