Abstract:In Dec. 2018, study on hydrochemical characteristics and its controlling factors of Basong Lake was carried out. Water samples were collected from the lake surface, vertical layers, inlets and outlets river and, on-site measurement were performed for various physicochemical parameters. The results showed that the Basong Lake overall was slightly alkaline. The measured TDS were relatively low, with an average value of 107mg/L. The average water temperature in the lake area was 5.7℃, with a thermocline appeared at the depth of 45~60m. However, since the temperature variation was minor, there was no significant difference between these measured physicochemical parameters at each sampling sites (P>0.05). Among major ions, Ca2+and HCO3- were the two dominants,account for 80.35% and 72.95% of the total cations and anions, respectively. Spatially, contents of the major ions in the inlet rivers were generally higher than that of lake surface, then after showed a homogeneous feature over the lake surface. In contrast, vertically, the contents of the major ions were slightly increased with an increasing water depth. The water chemistry type of the Basong lake was HCO3·SO4-Ca type. Weathering of rocks in the lake catchments, especially carbonate weathering was the major controlling factor that determined the composition and distribution of ionic contents in the lake area.
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