Abstract:In order to study hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes (δD,δ18O) composition characteristics of summer atmospheric precipitation in Inner Mongolia,and responding to meteorological factors,a total of 82atmospheric precipitation samples in6regions were collected in the summer of 2017~2019,including Inner Mongolia Alxa Left Banner,Hohhot City Urban Area,Zhenglan Banner,Keshiketeng Banner (Dali Lake),Tongliao Horqin Left-wing Middle Banner,and Hulunbuir New Barhu Right Banner (Hulun Lake).This paper analyzed the regional differences and their main influencing factors inδD andδ18O changes of atmospheric precipitation in Inner Mongolia,combining theδD andδ18O data from 6regional atmospheric precipitation samples in Baotou’s and Zhangye’s the Global Precipitation Isotope Observation Network (GNIP).The results showed that:TheδD andδ18O of the local atmospheric precipitation in Inner Mongolia tended to be negative from west to east.Among them,theδD andδ18O of the atmospheric precipitation in the Hulunbuir,New Barhu Right Banner were the most negative;in contrast,theδD andδ18O of the atmospheric precipitation in the western Alxa Left Banner were the most positive;The slope and intercept of the local atmospheric precipitation line in Inner Mongolia also showed a positive trend from west to east,indicating that the influence of secondary evaporation had decreased and the local evaporation water vapor mass had a significant impact on atmospheric precipitation in the western region.For example,the local evaporation air masses in Alxa Left Banner that was located in the area affected by the westerly circulation account for 100%of the water vapour masses in some single atmospheric precipitation sources in August.But the East Asian summer monsoon circulation had the most impact on the local atmospheric precipitation in Inner Mongolia in July.Although the secondary evaporation caused by regional atmospheric humidity changes was a key factor affecting the local atmospheric precipitation process in Inner Mongolia,atmospheric precipitation had the most important influence on the stable isotope composition of summer atmospheric precipitation.That was,the influence of atmospheric humidity changes on the deuterium surplus index d-excess was stronger than the influence of atmospheric temperature changes in the East Asian summer monsoon region,while the influence of atmospheric precipitation on the d-excess in the East Asian summer monsoon circulation area was relatively significant.
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