MOE Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Systems Optimization, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Abstract:The CO2 reduction induced by material in the situation of fly ash replacement is calculated by the guideline of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Chinese Cement Enterprises. Meanwhile, the CO2 reduction induced by energy employment also defined by the methods from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The results show that considering industrial symbiosis with coal-fired power plants, 92.676kg/t cement of CO2 are reduced. It is demonstrated that the replacement of clinker with fly ash is the main part leading to CO2 reduction in China's cement industry. When combined with the replacement of raw materials, the maximum CO2 reduction per ton of cement can be up to 373.303kg. In the application stage, the carbonization effect of concrete formed by fly ash and Portland cement has increased, and one ton of cement will adsorb 192.015kg of CO2 by 2050. In the context of fly ash replacement, the emission reduction caused by the change of waste heat generation and the clean electricity employment with different proportion are forecasted. It is found that the measure can also effectively promote the achievement of carbon peak and neutrality goals.
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