Analysis on the resource-environment net benefit and equity in the global trade of rare earth
DI Jing-han1, WEN Zong-guo2
1. School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:To solve the inequity of resource and environment in rare earth resource products trade, this research evaluated the actual net benefits in resource and environment of all countries involved using Life Cycle Assessment combined with Cost-Benefit Analysis. This paper also assessed the impacts of trending developments in the global manufacturing industry under three main scenarios. Results show that in 2018 the actual net benefits reached 8.5billion dollars, mainly contributed by trading raw materials of rare earth. Under future scenarios, policies associated with green development and climate change goals are estimated to reduce net benefits by 17%, whereas they remain the predominant policy path for solving the inequity problem. The transfer and reconstruction of global industrial chains lead to an 11% decrease in net benefits, meanwhile exacerbating the inequity issue in low-income countries. Developments in the emerging manufacturing industry increase net benefits by 76% while leaving the severe inequity situation in low-income countries unresolved.
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DI Jing-han, WEN Zong-guo. Analysis on the resource-environment net benefit and equity in the global trade of rare earth. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(10): 4909-4918.
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