Effects of hydrodynamic conditions on nitrogen and phosphorus release from sediments in shallow lakes
YU Jing-zhi1,2, WANG Xuan1,2, CAI Jian-ying1,2, LIAO Zhen-mei1,2, LI Chun-hui2, LIU Qiang2
1. State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2. Key Laboratory for Water and Sediment Sciences of Ministry of Education, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Abstract:Hydrodynamic conditions are the main natural factors affecting the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from sediments in shallow lakes. It is meaningful to study the effects of hydrodynamic conditions on the release of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments and to grasp the migration and transformation of water nutrients for preventing lake endogenous pollution in lakes. Among the hydrodynamic factors, the flow velocity can change the exchange flux of nitrogen and phosphorus of the sediment-water interface by affecting the shear stress. Both water level and water disturbance affect the physical and chemical characteristics of surface sediments and the REDOX reaction process of sediment-water interface, and thus jointly affect the release of nitrogen and phosphorus through multiple coupling effects. The mechanism of major hydrodynamic factors such as velocity, water level, water disturbance on nitrogen and phosphorus release in shallow lake sediments was reviewed and the prospect was put forward:The mechanism of coupling effects of various hydrodynamic factors on nitrogen and phosphorus release, the construction of in-situ monitoring and coupling simulation research system based on multi-temporal and spatial scales, and the impact of endogenous nitrogen and phosphorus release on the ecosystem need to be further strengthened.
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