Accumulation and sources assessment of heavy metals of Coilia nasus in the Three Gorges Reservoir area
CHEN Qian1, XIE Qing2, LI You-yi1, LÜ Hong-jian3, LI Jia-jia1, WANG Yong-min1, WANG Ding-yong1
1. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China; 2. College of Resources and Safety, Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering, Chongqing 402260, China; 3. Research Center of Fishery Resources and Environment, Conservation and Research Center for Aquatic Biodiversity in Upper Reaches of Yangtze River Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, College of Fisheries, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China
Abstract:This study investigated the accumulation characteristics of 10heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Ag, Cd, and Pb) in the muscle of Coilia nasus collected from four primary tributaries (Meixi River, Caotang River, Daning River, and Pengxi River) in the Three Gorges Reservoir, and identified the sources of heavy metals and assessed the associated health risks. The average concentrations of Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd, and Pb in the muscle tissue of C. nasus specimens from the Three Gorges Reservoir area were found to be below the corresponding standard limits of 2.00, 50.00, 50.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.10, and 0.50mg/kg. However, compared to other carnivorous fish at similar trophic levels within the reservoir, C. nasus exhibited a notable capacity for accumulating heavy metals. Significant spatial differences were observed in the levels of certain heavy metals in fish from different tributaries. Furthermore, the accumulation of heavy metals was found to be influenced by growth conditions, with varying effects depending on the specific heavy metal. Principal component analysis revealed that combustion of fossil fuels, metal smelting, and industrial wastewater discharge were the major sources of heavy metals in the C. nasus. Specifically, fish specimens from the Meixi River were primarily affected by Zn, Cu, and As, whereas those from the Caotang River were predominantly influenced by Cr and Ni. Health risk assessment results indicate that the single (THQ) and compound (TTHQ) heavy metal risk coefficients were less than 1, suggesting that current consumption of C. nasus in the Three Gorges Reservoir is unlikely to pose a risk to human health. However, it is noteworthy that As accounted for 77% of the TTHQ, thereby indicating a relatively high contribution to the overall health risk. Overall, this study provides fundamental data for understanding the presence of heavy metals within the food web of the Yangtze River and their potential implications.
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CHEN Qian, XIE Qing, LI You-yi, LÜ Hong-jian, LI Jia-jia, WANG Yong-min, WANG Ding-yong. Accumulation and sources assessment of heavy metals of Coilia nasus in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(8): 4360-4369.
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