Soil bacteria community structure and function prediction in the Hulun Buir Sandy Area
DU Yu-jia1,2, GAO Guang-lei1,2, CHEN Li-hua1, DING Guo-dong1,2, ZHANG Ying1, CAO Hong-yu1,2
1. Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Soil and Water Conservation, School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Yanchi Ecology Research Station of the Mu Us Desert, Yanchi 751500, China
Abstract:Soil samples were collected from four habitats in the Hulun Buir sandy area including bare sandland, grassland, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation and P. sylvestris natural forest. Subsequently, 16S rRNA genes high-throughput sequencing and PICRUSt-based functional prediction were performed to detect soil bacterial community structure and potential functional component. The results indicated that in the Hulun Buir sandy area, the natural forest and plantation had the highest and lowest soil bacterial Shannon Index (8.623±0.193 and 7.432±0.028), respectively. There were significant differences in alpha and beta diversity of soil bacteria in different habitats. The relative abundance of Proteobacteria was the highest in the grassland (29.83%±1.14%), P. sylvestris plantation (34.73%±1.99%) and natural forest (31.95%±0.21%). The relative abundance of Actinobacteria was the highest in the bare sand (26.13%±0.43%). The dominant soil bacteria genera with highest relative abundance were Bradyrhizobium, RB41 with the mean values of 5.29%±2.24% and 4.22%±1.23%, respectively. Soil bacterial functions were classified into 6 and 40 functional categories at hierarchy level 1and 2,which implied the abundant soil bacteria functions. Soil bacteria was active in environmental information processing, metabolism, genetic information processing and organic systems. Further, the functional genes of soil bacterial from the natural forest was abundant in nucleotide metabolism, enzyme family, amino acid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism, which ensured soil bacteria survival with higher diversity. Conclusively, the functional genes fluctuation of soil bacteria associated with different habitats in the Hulun Buir sandy area reflected the changes of soil bacterial community structure and diversity, and indicated the effects of functional genes on soil bacterial community. Our study will provide a firm basis for better prediction and understanding of soil bacteirial metabolic potential and functions in sandy area.
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