Identify the natural and socio-economic influencing factors of the new coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19) incidence rates in Chinese cities
WANG Yue-yao1,2, LIANG Ze1,2, DING Jia-qi1,2, SUN Fu-yue1,2, LI Shuang-cheng1,2
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes of the Ministry of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:This study explored the effects of both natural and socio-economic factors, such as city size and healthcare capacity, on the spreading of COVID-19 in China’s urban population from January 1 to March 5, 2020. Several statistical models and machine learning methods were used to identify the key determinants of the incidence rate of COVID-19. Based on the interpretable machine learning framework, possible nonlinear relationships between incidences and key impact factors were explored. The results showed that the incidence rate of COVID-19 in cities was influenced by several factors simultaneously. Among the factors, the population inflow rate from Wuhan was the factor that showed the highest correlation coefficient (0.43), followed by the population growth rate (0.38). Population migration size, city size and healthcare capacity were the key influencing factors. Nonlinear relationships existed between the key influencing factors and incidence rates. To be specific, the inflow rate from Wuhan had a S-shaped relationship and reaches an asymptote after 2%; the population density had an approximately linear relationship; the per capita GDP showed an evident inverted U curve with the per capita GDP over 100,000yuan as the inflection point. City development needs to pay more attention to population density control and economic growth in order to bring more health benefits.
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WANG Yue-yao, LIANG Ze, DING Jia-qi, SUN Fu-yue, LI Shuang-cheng. Identify the natural and socio-economic influencing factors of the new coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19) incidence rates in Chinese cities. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(3): 1418-1426.
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