Spatial distribution and quantitative source identification of heavy metals in sediment cores of Jiaomen Waterway
YANG Chen-chen1,2, WANG Zhuo-wei3, LI Rui1, TIAN Di1, WU Qi-rui1, YANG Zai-zhi1, LIANG Zuo-bing1, GAO Lei2, LIAN Jian-bin1, CHEN Jian-yao1
1. Carbon-Water Research Station in Karst Regions of Northern Guangdong, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; 2. South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China; 3. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:To explore the spatial distribution characteristics, pollution risks and potential sources of heavy metals in the sediments of Jiaomen Waterway, a tidal reach of the Pearl River estuary, six cores to a depth of 15cm were collected with basic physicochemical properties and geochemical fractions of heavy metals analyzed for all sediment samples of every 1cm. The results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals of Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu and Pb in sediments were higher than those of the background value in the Pearl River estuary, and conductivity (EC), pH and sediment organic carbon (SOC) were found to be the main factors affecting the spatial distribution pattern of heavy metals. e.g., the concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb decreased significantly with the increase of salinity (p<0.05). In addition, the main fraction of of heavy metals changed accordingly with salinity, i.e., the acid soluble fraction of Zn, Ni, Cu and Pb showed a general decreasing trend with the increasing salinity, while an opposite trend was observed for the residual fraction. The pollution level and potential ecological risk of sediment metals generally descended with increase in salinity, and Cd was identified to be the main element inducing ecological risks. Anthropogenic activities were considered the main cause for enrichment of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn in sediments, with agrochemicals recognized as the main source for sediment Cd and Cu, traffic activities for Pb, and industrial activities for Zn, Fe and Mn, while natural weathering of parent minerals were judged as the principal origins of other metals such as Ti, Ni, Cr and Co.
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YANG Chen-chen, WANG Zhuo-wei, LI Rui, TIAN Di, WU Qi-rui, YANG Zai-zhi, LIANG Zuo-bing, GAO Lei, LIAN Jian-bin, CHEN Jian-yao. Spatial distribution and quantitative source identification of heavy metals in sediment cores of Jiaomen Waterway. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(9): 4819-4827.
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