Estimation of VOCs' mass flux depletion and risk assessment at complex contaminated sites
LI Ji-hong1,2,3, ZHONG Mao-sheng1,2,3, JIANG Lin1,2,3, ZHANG Wen-yu1,2,3, MA Lin1,2,3, HAO Chen-yu1,2,3
1. Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Eco-Environmental Protection, Beijing 100037; 2. National Engineering Research Centre of Urban Environmental Pollution Control, Beijing 100037, China; 3. Beijing Key Laboratory for Risk Modeling and Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Beijing 100037, China
Abstract:To reflect the source or mass flux attenuation in actual contaminated sites, Jury model was improved by considering the effect of vertical heterogeneity of site lithology and sublab. The model was compared to the J&E model in predicting volatilization flux, indoor air concentration, health risk assessment. Finally the major influential factors were discussed by using an example of a benzene contaminated site in Beijing. The results showed that the benzene flux into the room predicted by the J&E model remained constant, which was inconsistent with the source attenuation in the actual site. In contrast, the volatilization flux of benzene predicted by the Jury model was initially the largest at the source surface and decreased exponentially with time. However, due to the blocking effect of the soil in the vadose zone and the building subslab, the flux entering the indoor air was relatively low at the beginning and increased with time. By the J&E model, the carcinogenic risk of 7sampling locations exceeded 10-6. However, with the Jury model, the determination of the exposure period was the key factor affecting the risk level. The exposure under the initial stage of source formation (scenario T1), only two locations in the exposure period exceeded the acceptable risk level. Under the mid-term (scenario T2), 4locations in the exposure period exceeded the risk acceptable level, and only under late exposure state (scenario T3), 7locations exceeded the acceptable level of risk. In general, compared with the J&E model, the Jury model was more in consistent with VOCs depletion in the fields by taking into consideration of sources attenuation and vadose blocking effect of mass fluxes.
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